Invention of VerifEye Mobile App Truth Verification Predicted by 2015 Episode of Science Channel Show
Morgan Freeman, host of a 2015 episode of “Through the Wormhole” titled “Why Do We Lie?” stated that maybe in the future we’ll use a cell phone to verify if a person is telling the truth.

This scene from a 2015 episode of the Science Channel’s “Through the Wormhole” about lie detection technologies suggested someday it might be possible to verify truth via a mobile device. Eight years later that prediction came true with the release of VerifEye by Converus.
LEHI, Utah – March 17, 2023 – The Science Channel’s prediction in a 2015 episode “Through the Wormhole” that someday we might have the ability to use a cell phone to tell if somebody is telling the truth probably made a few viewers squirm.
Who knew some eight years later such a futuristic-sounding, crystal-ball forecast would literally be fulfilled with the release of VerifEye by Converus, a mobile app that can verify if a person is being truthful?
The episode, titled “Why Do We Lie?” and hosted by Morgan Freeman, featured Converus’ recently released EyeDetect lie detection technology. Converus Chief Scientist John Kircher was interviewed for the show. Toward the end of the episode Freeman prognosticated, “Imagine the future where a person with a cell phone or smart eyewear could use a miniaturized version of John’s device on anyone they’re talking to: husband and wife, parent and child, worker and boss.”
To use VerifEye, organizations or individuals send a unique link via text message or email to the test taker. Clicking the link enables the test taker to download the VerifEye app from the app store and self-administer the test from their mobile phone. The mobile device’s camera on the back records eye behaviors. No reading is required because a digital voice asks test questions using the device speaker. Verbal responses are recorded by the phone’s mic.
Once the test is completed, data are uploaded, analyzed and scored in near real time. Test results are readily available to the test originator in a dashboard or via the VerifEye API. The test is about 80 percent accurate. Unlike Converus’ EyeDetect technologies, no proctor is required, but VerifEye offers a proctor mode that allows the test originator to manage and monitor the testing process from their own phone.
“This episode of ‘Through the Wormhole’ definitely planted a seed for our team,” said Converus President and CEO Todd Mickelsen. “A little over 2.5 years ago we set out to make it a reality, a reality that makes it easier to verify truth.”
VerifEye, an app for iOS and Android phones, can be used by corporations, government agencies, law enforcement, banks, insurance companies, security firms, online marketplaces, and others. For more information visit:
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About Converus®
Converus provides scientifically validated credibility assessment technologies. VerifEye™ is the world’s first mobile app to help organizations or individuals accurately verify the truth about a person — including background, identity, creditworthiness and claims — in about 10 minutes. EyeDetect®, which detects deception by measuring involuntary eye behavior, is a fast, accurate, affordable, noncontact, scalable, and fully automated option to polygraph. EyeDetect+ is the world’s first automated polygraph, making the testing process impartial, accurate, and less intrusive (than a traditional polygraph). It assesses credibility by monitoring and recording ocular activity plus physiological activity similar to a traditional polygraph. Customers worldwide use the EyeDetect product line for screening and investigations to help protect countries, corporations and communities from corruption, crime and threats. Converus is headquartered in Lehi, Utah, USA. Visit:
Converus Press Contact: Jeff Pizzino, APR /+1 480-606-8292