Read case studies and success stories about EyeDetect customers. Learn about the best lie detector to be released in almost 100 years. The eyes don’t lie.
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Case Studies & Success Stories | EyeDetect

Connecticut State and Federal Probation Innovate Credibility Assessment Testing of Sex Offenders During COVID
EyeDetect is used to more effectively prevent sexual abuse and reduce sexual violence through assessment and treatment—even in a pandemic. There are more tests run daily, fewer investigations of complaints needed, clients unsuitable for polygraph can be tested, and purposefully noncompliant clients are more easily identified. Read article.
Law Enforcement & Public Safety
Corporate (VerifEye)
Humanitarian (VerifEye)
Private Securiity

Converus (“with truth”) provides scientifically validated credibility assessment technologies that help protect countries, corporations and communities from corruption, crime and threats.