Integrity Test Alternative: 88% Accuracy with EyeDetect

Integrity tests are 37 to 64% accurate. Do you want to bet your next hire on that statistic? EyeDetect is 88% accurate. The eyes don’t lie.

Integrity Tests: Not Predictive and Only 37-64% Accurate

According to an extensive study conducted by the U.S. Congress, integrity tests were shown to have accuracy rates between 37 and 59 percent, and they err on the side of disqualifying honest candidates.

Another meta-analytic study* done in 2012 that evaluated 104 integrity tests showed accuracy no greater than 64% at predicting job performance, training performance, counterproductive work behavior such as substance abuse, theft, withdrawal, etc. and employee turnover.

By contrast, EyeDetect is 88% accurate.

In short, integrity tests have a low predictive value for behavior. Most data are gathered from self-reporting participants, who easily fake their responses.

Due to their low accuracy rates and false positives, integrity tests commonly reject good candidates. As a result, organizations must interview more people to find sufficient numbers of good candidates (which increases recruiting costs).

Don’t settle for these results, use EyeDetect.


(Source: C. Van Iddekinge, C, Roth, P., Raymark P., and Odle-Dusseau, H. (2012) The Criterion-Related Validity of Integrity Tests: An Updated Meta-Analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology 2012. and “The Use of Integrity Tests for Pre-employment Screening,” Office of Technology Evaluation of the United States Congress.)

How EyeDetect Can Make A Difference

EyeDetect Station

Why Are Integrity Tests Used?

Integrity tests are commonly used because they are relatively quick and inexpensive. They usually take about 30 minutes to administer and are priced at a fraction of a polygraph test.

Similarly, An EyeDetect pre-employment screening test takes about 30 minutes. Although the cost is slightly higher than an integrity test, it is 88% accurate.

This means that EyeDetect will allow organizations to screen less people to find sufficient numbers of candidates.

Don't Leave it Up to Chance

During an integrity test, the person being questioned may choose to respond so as to create a positive image of their behavior rather than telling the truth.

They could attempt to positively alter the impression they make, or they can fake their response.