Converus, makers of EyeDetect, is now the leading “technology” provider of credibility assessment solutions. Our science team and technology are world-renowned.
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History of Converus | EyeDetect: Best Lie Detector Test
History of Converus
World Class Team of Scientists and Business Professionals
The idea to create a lie detection technology by tracking eye behavior originated in 2003.
But the precursor of Converus EyeDetect actually began decades earlier.
Professors John C. Kircher (left) and David C. Raskin (right) are internationally-known and highly respected scientists in the polygraph community. They frequently consult and lecture on this subject, as well as provide guidance to the polygraph community, government agencies, legislatures, and the courts.
They first published research on polygraph technology in the 1970s and then spent 10 years developing the software and hardware for the world’s first computerized polygraph system, which they marketed in 1991. They recognized the need to find new lie detection methods that could complement the polygraph.
In 2002, John Kircher and his colleague, Doug Hacker (right), an educational psychologist with expertise in the psychology of reading, were driving to Seattle to climb Mt. Rainier. En route, they wondered if changes in eye movements and pupil size while reading and answering questions about a crime would reveal deception. They asked themselves, “Would changes in cognitive load affect the eye in such a way that we can capture those changes and be as accurate as the polygraph in predicting whether or not someone is being deceptive?”
Thus the idea for an ocular-motor deception (ODT) test was born — later to be branded as EyeDetect.
In 2003, Professors Kircher and Hacker formed a science team that included cognitive scientists Anne Cook (left) and Dan Woltz (right). They began working together to produce and validate an ODT solution.
In 2006, the Osher Dissertation documented the first lab study that demonstrated the effectiveness of the ODT. A second formal scientific study in 2008 confirmed the effectiveness of the ODT technology, and its results were published in the Webb Dissertation in August of that year.
In October 2009, Credibility Assessment Technologies LLC (CAT) was formed to begin laying the groundwork for bringing this technology to the market.
On December 12, 2013, the company was officially renamed Converus, Inc. The name Converus is derived from two Latin words: con (meaning “with”) and verus (meaning “truth”).
After 10 years of the Converus science team fine-tuning EyeDetect, this innovative technology has emerged as a viable, complementary method to the polygraph for business and government applications. Converus’ vision is to provide trustworthy, innovative solutions for the deception detection industry.
First Modern Polygraph Invented
Scientists John Kircher and Doug Hacker Come Up with the Idea
Scientists John Kircher and Doug Hacker Form a Science Team
First Formal Scientific Study Confirms ODT Technology
Second Formal Scientific Study Confirms the Effectiveness of ODT Technology
Credibility Assessment Technologies LLC is Formed
ODT Technology is Peer-Reviewed
Alta Ventures Invests in Credibility Assessment Technologies
Further Research is Conducted in Monterrey, Mexico
Company Name is Changed to Converus, Inc.
Morgan Freeman Features EyeDetect
Converus Begins Promoting EyeDetect to the U.S. Federal Government
Mark Handler Steps Down From His Role as a Converus Advisory Board Member
Pamela Meyer Joins the Converus Advisory Board
Jayson Ahern Joins the Converus Advisory Board
IdentityDetect Released
First Politician Running for U.S. Congress Tested by EyeDetect
EyeDetect Featured on Nationally Syndicated Reality TV Show, “Couples Court with the Cutlers”
EyeDetect Directed Lie Comparison (DLC) Test for Investigations Released
EyeDetect Multi-issue Comparison Test (MCT) Protocol Released
EyeDetect for Investigations awarded first place at the 17th Annual Utah Innovation Awards
EyeDetect+ 1.0 (and Physio Tracker v1) announced
7th Annual Converus Conference - CONNECT '21
EyeDetect Hybrid DLC Protocol Released
EyeDetect Hybrid MCT Protocol Released
Converus (“with truth”) provides scientifically validated credibility assessment technologies that help protect countries, corporations and communities from corruption, crime and threats.