EyeDetect Now Accurately Scores Up to 4 Issues During a Lie Detector Test
Hailed a “scientific breakthrough” in lie detection, the release of the EyeDetect Multi-issue Comparison Test allows credibility assessment experts to test and accurately score multiple issues in less than 30 minutes.

Converus just released an EyeDetect Multi-issue Comparison Test that not only scores up to four relevant issues in a single test but also accurately identifies the issue or issues that the candidate failed on. Above is an example of a Law Enforcement Pre-Employment Test (LEPET).
LEHI, Utah – May 30, 2019 – Converus EyeDetect has set another benchmark for the lie detection industry. When it debuted in 2014, it was the first lie detector to accurately detect deception by measuring involuntary eye behavior. Now EyeDetect offers a Multi-issue Comparison Test (MCT) that not only scores up to four relevant issues in a single test but also accurately identifies the issue that caused the candidate to fail the test.
In a recent lab experiment, the EyeDetect MCT correctly classified 88 percent of examinees as truthful or deceptive.
Respected polygraph experts like Don Krapohl — a former Assistant Director of the National Center for Credibility Assessment and CIA polygraph examiner — have weighed in on this news.
“By a wide margin the most frequent use of the polygraph is in multiple-issue testing, such as screening,” said Krapohl. “Polygraph examiners are really good at determining which examinees are truthful and which are deceptive. Screening research has found that by-question accuracy is not nearly as high. For example, in the field it is common to see examinees reacting to a test question regarding falsification of their applicant documents when their real deception regards the illegal use of drugs.”
Krapohl is currently the director for EyeDetect services for Capital Center for Credibility Assessment, a Virginia-based Converus Service Partner that provides credibility assessment services to the U.S. federal government. He’s also a member of the Converus Advisory Board.
Added Converus Chief Scientist Dr. John C. Kircher, “In my 42 years of working with deception detection technologies, the discovery of predictors that accurately pinpoint which questions were answered deceptively is one of the most significant experiences in my career.” Kircher said his other career highlights are the roles he played in the invention of EyeDetect and the computerized polygraph.
“The EyeDetect Multi-issue Comparison Test is a scientific breakthrough,” added Converus President and CEO Todd Mickelsen. “It will help organizations make a far more informed decision on who to hire and who not to hire because there are more data to consider.”
With these additional data, organizations can probe further via polygraph, interview, and/or an EyeDetect Directed Lie Comparison (DLC) test to assess the person’s credibility regarding the specific offense(s) that may or may not ultimately disqualify the candidate. The DLC test technique is commonly used in criminal investigations or civil cases. EyeDetect’s DLC test takes 15 minutes to complete and accurately classifies people correctly 90 percent of the time.
“If a person fails on one of the less serious disqualifying issues, then that’s tremendously beneficial to an organization because the hiring manager may not have to dismiss a candidate that is otherwise very qualified,” Mickelsen said.
The Kent Police Department in Washington has used EyeDetect for as a screening tool for its hiring process since 2017. It and the Idaho State Police will be some of the first customers to implement the MCT.
“We’re only in the beginning stages of implementing this Multi-Issue Comparison Test into our process, but we are very excited to add this option to an already effective tool,” said Kent PD Background Investigator Justin Davis. “We expect this additional technology will only continue to aid in hiring the best candidates.”
“EyeDetect has already revolutionized the lie detection industry,” added Mickelsen. “Now it’s one-upped itself with a new capability that didn’t exist until now.”
According to Mickelsen, EyeDetect is a nonintrusive, scientifically validated lie detection technology that accurately detects deception in 15 to 30 minutes by analyzing eye and other behaviors. Results are available in less than 5 minutes. It’s currently used by more than 500 customers in 40 countries in 40 different languages.
For more information about Converus, visit: converus.com
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About Converus®
Converus provides scientifically validated credibility assessment technologies. EyeDetect® detects deception at 86-90% accuracy in 15-30 minutes by analyzing eye and other behaviors. IdentityDetect® detects falsified identities at 91% accuracy in about 1-3 minutes by analyzing subtle variations in the motor nervous system responses. These technologies help protect countries, corporations and communities from corruption, crime and threats. Converus is headquartered in Lehi, Utah, USA. Visit: www.converus.com
Converus Press Contact: Jeff Pizzino, APR /+1 480-606-8292