American Polygraph Association Recognizes Mark Handler of Converus with Leonarde Keller Award
Handler, one of the world’s top polygraph experts and Converus director of professional services, was recognized by APA for his many years of dedicated service to the polygraph profession.

The American Polygraph Association gave its annual Leonarde Keeler Award to Converus Director of Professional Services Mark Handler for his “long and distinguished service to the polygraph profession.”
LEHI, Utah – Sept. 17, 2020 – As part of its annual awards, the American Polygraph Association (APA) named Mark Handler, Converus director of professional services, winner of the Leonarde Keeler Award. He earned this coveted recognition for his “long and distinguished service to the polygraph profession.”
Handler, an independent polygraph instructor and consultant, serves Converus as its resident polygraph and research expert.
“It’s always an honor to be recognized by the APA for serving the profession that’s been good to me over the years,” said Handler.
Handler, an APA board member, has published over 60 scientific articles on the topic of polygraph and credibility assessment.
Leonarde Keeler (1903-1949), the award’s namesake, was the co-inventor of the polygraph. In 1924, Keeler’s first handmade polygraph instrument, the Emotograph, was destroyed by fire at his residence.
On February 2, 1935, he conducted the first use of his invention, the Keeler Polygraph. Keeler used the lie detector on two criminals in Portage, Wisconsin, who were later convicted of assault when the lie detector results were introduced in court.
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About Converus®
Converus provides scientifically validated credibility assessment technologies. EyeDetect® detects deception at 86-90% accuracy in 15-30 minutes by analyzing eye and other behaviors. IdentityDetect® detects falsified identities at 91% accuracy in about 1-3 minutes by analyzing subtle variations in the motor nervous system responses. These technologies help protect countries, corporations and communities from corruption, crime and threats. Converus is headquartered in Lehi, Utah, USA. Visit:
Converus Press Contact: Jeff Pizzino, APR /+1 480-606-8292