
Read the latest industry news and commentary on the best use of lie detector tests to solve real-world problems.

SUMMARY: This podcast interview dives deep into the latest advancements in lie detection technology and how they work.
April 2, 2024Jeff Pizzino
SUMMARY: What if an app on your smartphone could verify that someone is telling you the truth?
April 1, 2024Jeff Pizzino
Thanks to advancements in employee screening technologies, law enforcement agencies can quickly identify the most qualified job candidates while substantially reducing hiring costs, according to tech company Converus. Company CEO Todd Mickelsen will explain these technologies following the keynote presentation and present a case study with staff from a sheriff’s ... Read More
February 19, 2024Jeff Pizzino
Except for transitioning from an analog to a computerized test in 1991, polygraph technology remained largely unchanged while retaining its place as the de facto lie detector since its invention in 1921.
January 30, 2024Jeff Pizzino
VerifEye by Converus, a truth verification app for iPhone and Android phones, now has a U.S. patent pending. Since its June 2023 release, it’s seen a rapid increase in usage worldwide.
January 25, 2024Jeff Pizzino
Since 1921, the world’s de facto lie detector has been polygraph. It wasn’t until 2014 that another accurate, scientifically validated and completely new method for detecting deception was introduced.
January 19, 2024Jeff Pizzino
Ashley Mazerolle, Marketing— In the ever-evolving landscape of business, the shadow of corruption and fraud looms large, casting a detrimental impact on the vitality of organizations. A recent report from Kroll Associates, a world leader in risk management and corporate investigation, sheds light on the alarming state of affairs in Colombian ... Read More
December 27, 2023Ashley Mazerolle
How about just a date with truth? Online dating has experienced explosive growth. In 2022, there were 366 million users participating in this $2.86 billion industry. But as the industry grows, so do the many stories of scams and lies. Of particular concern is “catfishing” — a term used to describe when someone ... Read More
December 19, 2023Tami Mickelsen
How about just a date with truth? Online dating has experienced explosive growth. In 2022, there were 366 million users participating in this $2.86 billion industry. But as the industry grows, so do the many stories of scams and lies. Of particular concern is “catfishing” — a term used to describe when someone ... Read More
December 15, 2023Tami Mickelsen
By Ashley Mazerolle, Marketing – In the world of business, the adage "It takes a thief to catch a thief" holds more truth than one might expect. According to a 2014 report by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, organizations without robust internal controls lose an alarming 5 percent of ... Read More
December 8, 2023Ashley Mazerolle