
Read the latest industry news and commentary on the best use of lie detector tests to solve real-world problems.

How about just a date with truth? Online dating has experienced explosive growth. In 2022, there were 366 million users participating in this $2.86 billion industry. But as the industry grows, so do the many stories of scams and lies. Of particular concern is “catfishing” — a term used to describe when someone ... Read More
July 27, 2023Jeff Pizzino
By Ben Hartwig, Guest Blogger, Marketing – Lying is a complex social skill, but it’s not exactly difficult. Motivated people can hide many obvious physical signs of deception, especially during a short interaction. This is a substantial risk when conducting an interview or an investigation. Governments and businesses have utilized lie detection ... Read More
July 11, 2023Tami Mickelsen
By Chanel Martinez, Guest Blogger-  For over 100 years, the polygraph has been a source of fascination and curiosity. In recent times, other credibility assessment tools have emerged. Although commonly linked to criminal investigations and high-risk interrogations, these tools could also serve a purpose in educational environments. Educational institutions have long used ... Read More
July 10, 2023Russ Warner
SUMMARY: Converus CEO explains worldwide implications of new mobile truth verification app in screening job applicants, verifying identities, determining credit risks, and more.
June 28, 2023Jeff Pizzino
SUMMARY: New app-based truth verification technology can help determine innocence or guilt about  infidelity, addiction or  identity.
June 28, 2023Jeff Pizzino
It may be hard to believe it's true, but a Utah tech company says its mobile app is essentially the world’s first accurate hand-held lie detector. And it works without an examiner or any sensors attached to the examinee.
June 27, 2023Jeff Pizzino
By Ashley Mazerolle, Marketing – As I recently immersed myself in the magical world of Harry Potter, I was struck by the uncanny parallels between the fictional Ministry of Magic and the real-world government of Russia, particularly under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin. In this twin study of corruption, the ... Read More
June 26, 2023Ashley Mazerolle
By Russ Warner, Marketing – Maintaining trust within a family is a critical component of fostering healthy relationships, particularly when a family member struggles with addiction recovery. The process of overcoming addiction poses significant challenges, including betrayal trauma impacting those who provide support to the person on their path to recovery. ... Read More
June 14, 2023Tami Mickelsen
By Ashley Mazerolle, Marketing – In an age where car insurance fraud is on the rise, the financial burden falls heavily on unsuspecting policyholders like you and me. The growing popularity of this costly crime is driving up insurance premiums and siphoning tax dollars away from vital public services. As ... Read More
June 8, 2023Ashley Mazerolle
By Ashley Mazerolle,Marketing – As a business owner or employee, you may not realize the serious impact of employee theft on a company’s integrity and reputation. Employee theft includes any form of stealing, whether it's a small act of petty theft or millions of dollars stolen by an executive. Unfortunately, it ... Read More
May 23, 2023Ashley Mazerolle