Uncovering Corrupt Cronies in Municipal Government
By Brianne Burr, Marketing –
A common phrase used in the workforce today is that “it’s not what you know, but whom you know.” Networking is a critical part of any individual’s attempt to get ahead. Making friends and connections can often become the key to a successful career.
However, this situation can easily be taken to the extreme. Some individuals hire others simply because they’re friends and not because a person has capability or experience to contribute to the job they are hired. In smaller municipal governments, it’s difficult to avoid hiring friends or cronies.
Problems with Cronies
When someone in a position of power or authority hires a crony, the situation can become ripe for corruption. According to one source, “These persons are often counted upon to do the bosses bidding and look the other way when rules and laws are being bent.” As a trusted friend, the crony may “…follow the bosses’ script and never veer from it” (Mensing 2014).
Together, cronies commit many white-collar crimes, including bribery, fraud, forgery and more. Consequently, corruption is common because cronies are willing to do whatever their boss requires (Mensing 2014). Both parties benefit, and the symbiotic relationship feeds the crime.
Dealing with crony-related crime can be difficult, because of loyalty and secrecy. Conducting investigations of corruption with police officers or other government officials can be cumbersome and lengthy. However, lie detection solutions can facilitate determining deception.
EyeDetect™ is a new form of deception detection that examines eye behavior, including blinking, looking away, dilating pupils, gaze position and more. Persons in positions of trust can submit to a non-intrusive test while sitting in front of a computer. Results are processed quickly and unbiasedly.
With ongoing employment screening such as this, corruption among cronies can be reduced.