Test Protocols & Requests

This page contains information on EyeDetect, EyeDetect+ and VerifEye testing protocols and how to request a test from Converus.

Terms related to Tests

  • Diagnostic Test: A test protocol used when there is a known incident or allegation. This is the primary protocol used for investigations.
  • Screening Test: A test protocol used to question about generalized topics where there is no known incident or allegation. This is the primary protocol used for pre-employment screening.
  • Relevant Topic (R1, R2, R3): A topic related to an act or target behavior of primary concern. It is the primary area of focus for the test.
  • Comparison Topic (CQ): A low base rate (low probability) act or target behavior. It is used to measure and record a baseline reaction of the examinee when there is a very high likelihood the examinee is truthful about the topic.
  • MCT or Multi-issue Comparison Test: A protocol used to test 2 or 3 relevant topics and 1 comparison topic. MCT is often used for screening tests.
  • AMCT or Audio MCT: A variation of the MCT protocol for poor readers. No text is presented to the examinee on the screen and the entire test is presented aurally.
  • HMCT or Hybrid MCT: A variation of the MCT protocol that combines polygraph and EyeDetect testing techniques.
  • Directed Lie (DL): Test questions for which the examinee is instructed to lie. DL questions are used for comparison to the relevant issue.
  • DLC2 or Directed Lie Comparison Test 2: A second generation DLC test with 1 relevant topic and uses directed lie questions used for comparison. DLC3 is often used for single-issue (diagnostic) tests.
  • DLC3 or Directed Lie Comparison Test 3: A third generation DLC test with 1 relevant topic and uses directed lie questions used for comparison. DLC3 is often used for single-issue (diagnostic) tests.
  • HDLC or Hybrid DLC: A variation of the DLC protocol that combines polygraph and EyeDetect testing techniques. It supports 1 relevant topic and uses directed lie questions for comparison.
  • RCT or Relevant Comparison Test: First EyeDetect testing protocol with 1 relevant topic and 1 comparison topic. It was later updated to the MCT, but is still often used when directed lie is not ideal.
  • V3R or VerifEye 3R Test : Based on the Audio MCT protocol, this test allows 1 relevant topic and 2 comparison topics. V3R can be used for diagnostic tests.
  • V4R or VerifEye 4R Test : Based on the Audio MCT protocol, this test allows 3 relevant topics and 1 comparison topic. V4R can be used for screening tests.
  • BRG or Base Rate of Guilt: The number of people in a testing group found guilty of the incident or target behavior. In field cases, the true BRG is never truly known, it is always estimated.


Tests are administered with an EyeDetect Station.

Relevant Issues
2 to 3
2 to 3
Comparison Issue
Relevant Question
Relevant Question
Directed Lie
Directed Lie
Relevant Question
INC Range
45 to 55
44 to 56
Test Length
30 min.
30 min.
20 min.
15 min.
30 min.
Digital Voice
Not Req.
Yes Req.
Yes Req.
Not Req.
Avg. Accuracy
Each topic scored
Audio only
No text
Automated Polygraph
8% INC
Also used as diagnostic


Tests are administered with an EyeDetect Station and Physio Tracker v2.

Relevant Issues
Comparison Issue
Relevant Question
Directed Lie
True/False & Yes/No
INC Range
45 to 55
Test Length
45 to 50 min.
20 min.
Digital Voice
Yes Req.
Yes Req.
Avg. Accuracy
2 tests: Polygraph & EyeDetect
Automated polygraph


Tests are administered by a mobile phone with an HD camera.

Relevant Issues
Comparison Issue
2 Relevant Questions
1 Relevant Question
INC Range
Test Length
10 min.
15 min.
Digital Voice
Yes Req.
Yes Req.
Avg. Accuracy
Self-administered – answer verbally
Self-administered – answer verbally

Test Guidelines for Relevant Topic Questions

When determining what types of questions can be asked in a lie detection test, please consider the following guidelines:

  • Focus on specific actions or behaviors
  • Focus on examinee’s experience/actions – not others
  • Be clear and concise – not subjective
  • Use time frames to narrow scope
  • Consider if pretest admission have been made
  • Don’t ask about intent, desires or emotions
  • Don’t use accusatory or assuming language
  • Don’t use legal, emotionally charged or judgmental terms
  • Focus on behaviors that have an impactful consequence
  • Avoid “Truth Confirmation” topics like testing victims or honesty on full disclosure documents
  • When using multi-issue format, make sure all test topics are distinct and different – not crossover
The DOs and DON’Ts of Lie Detection Tests – Details why the above guidelines are crucial to test quality and accuracy PDF

Testing Resources

Intro to Test Writing Training – learn more about test question formulation and the test writing process Video PDF
Directed Lie Protocol – learn more about how requiring an examinee to lie is used in a test PDF
Relevant Topics – see examples of recommended relevant topics for a variety of scenarios PDF
Comparison Topics – learn more about the requirements for comparison topics and see examples for a variety of scenarios PDF
Digital Voice (TTS) Considerations – learn more about which protocols require TTS and how to download new languages PDF
What testing protocol should I use? – answer a few question to determine what protocol is right for you FORM

Request a Test from Converus


Once test information has been finalized, Converus requires at least 2 business days to write a test. However, a test request can be fulfilled in less than 2 business days for an additional charge. Please keep in mind that test requests submitted outside business hours or during holidays will not be seen until the next available business day. Business hours are Monday – Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM Mountain Standard. You must be a customer of Converus or have a dashboard account to request a test.


Tests with special language considerations may require more than 2 business days depending on circumstances. Converus offers free translation for Spanish. Other languages will require you to provide your own translator, or Converus can engage a third-party translator at added costs and time.


Payment is required for writing a test, even if that test is never administered. All new customers receive 10 free customized tests, after which they will be charged a fee for every test written by Converus. Any test written by Converus counts against the 10 free tests, even if they remain unadministered.

2 Business Days $50.00
Rush Order (Less than 2 Business Days) $100.00

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