Converus Donating EyeDetect Tests to Law Enforcement to Screen for Possible Police Misconduct
Converus will give two days of free screening tests to qualifying law enforcement agencies to assess its lie detection technology, EyeDetect. This advanced screening method can help monitor possible cases of police misconduct. It can also be used to test job applicants for unreported incidences of disciplinary action, domestic abuse, violent crimes or other disqualifying activities.

Captain Matt Sly of the Idaho State Police demonstrates taking a Converus EyeDetect screening test. Converus is offering up to 15 law enforcement agencies the opportunity to test drive EyeDetect for free over the course of two days.
LEHI, Utah – June 10, 2020 – Utah tech company Converus wants to help monitor for possible cases of misconduct or reckless disregard by letting 15 U.S. law enforcement agencies use EyeDetect to determine if job applicants or existing personnel have engaged in excessive force, domestic violence, violent crimes or unreported work-related discipline.
As part of this initiative, Converus or one of its authorized Service Partners will come onsite with the EyeDetect equipment for two days to run as many EyeDetect Tests as possible for free. Participating police departments or sheriff’s offices must agree to certain terms and conditions.
EyeDetect, a nonintrusive, scientifically validated lie detection technology that detects deception in 15-30 minutes by analyzing involuntary eye behavior, has been available since 2014. Research studies show it’s 86 to 90 percent accurate. Standard training takes about four hours.
“Unfortunately, it only takes one incident of misconduct to result in tragedy and to severely damage the reputation of not only a police department but also law enforcement nationwide,” said Converus President and CEO Todd Mickelsen. “Over the years, numerous agencies have had great success with our advanced screening method in identifying and not hiring applicants who have a history of disqualifying activities.”
Mickelsen says current customers use this ocular-motor based method to screen lateral transfers (officers leaving one law enforcement agency to join another) for determining if all previous potentially disqualifying activities have been disclosed — especially those that may have caused them to be dismissed from their prior agency.
“From a public relations standpoint,” said Mickelsen, “having a more thorough screening procedure is a great way to show your law enforcement agency is ‘clean’. EyeDetect can be used to validate any complaints filed. This can tell any public safety organization which personnel need to be further investigated. It can help maintain community trust.”
A recent story in The Conversation — an independent, nonprofit publisher of commentary and analysis authored by academics — stated that officers with misconduct complaints, including excessive force, verbal abuse, or unlawful searches, are more likely to engage in future serious misconduct.
The City of Kent Police Department in Washington is one of more than 50 U.S. law enforcement agencies currently using the EyeDetect technology. They’ve been a customer since 2017.
“EyeDetect helps us quickly identify who would make a good police officer and who would cause us a lot of concern,” said former Chief of Police Ken Thomas. “We do not want to have any controversy or crisis going on. [EyeDetect] is one more tool to quickly go through the many, many candidates that are out there to get the very best.”
Most law enforcement agencies use the EyeDetect Multi-issue Comparison Test (MCT). It not only scores up to four target behaviors in a single test but also accurately identifies the issue that caused the candidate to fail the test.
Mickelsen says questions could include: “Have you ever been charged with misconduct or reckless disregard?” “Have you ever been terminated, suspended, given a written warning or put on administrative leave?” “Have you ever committed domestic violence against a spouse, partner or child?” Test questions can be customized to fit the agency’s standards and policies.
“EyeDetect will help make better hiring decisions and find more trustworthy applicants by identifying the few bad apples,” said Mickelsen. “Tests cost about 1/3 the cost of a polygraph.”
For terms and conditions of the free EyeDetect Test Drive for law enforcement agencies, call (801) 331-8840. For more information about EyeDetect and Converus, visit:
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About Converus®
Converus provides scientifically validated credibility assessment technologies. EyeDetect® detects deception at 86-90% accuracy in 15-30 minutes by analyzing eye and other behaviors. IdentityDetect® detects falsified identities at 91% accuracy in about 1-3 minutes by analyzing subtle variations in the motor nervous system responses. These technologies help protect countries, corporations and communities from corruption, crime and threats. Converus is headquartered in Lehi, Utah, USA. Visit:
Converus Press Contact: Jeff Pizzino, APR /+1 480-606-8292