Refugee In America

America’s Relationship with Refugees
By Kim Griffin, Marketing —
“The young women paused, her face tightening as she forced herself to recall the nightmarish memory. Three years after leaving Syria for asylum in the United States, dark circles still hung under her eyes… ’I saw it – it was under my balcony. It was in front of my eyes…There were peaceful demonstrations. And then the army came and killed the people’” (Jenkins).
Heartbreaking Stories
Ghussoun al Hasan’s heartbreaking story is only one of many. Although a safe hold is absolutely necessary for refugees such as Ghussoun, the recent influx of Syrian refugees fleeing into the United States has proven to be trying for immigration services across the globe. The Heartland Alliance’s National Immigrant Justice Center has been no exception.
Screening Process
One of several processes that many of these refugees go through include a screening to verify that immigrants are not privy to terrorist organizations. The United States keeps a list of known Tier I and II terrorists. Many of the terrorists that belong in these groups are members of some of the most dangerous terrorist organizations in the world – including ISIS and Islamic Jihadists. Tier III terrorists also exist. Records have been kept by the government outlining possible organizations and people that may belong on this list. However, many Tier III organizations are less known and verifiable. Therefore, the government generally has been careful in making sure that the list not be leaked to the public.
Heartland Alliance sued the government under the Freedom of Information Act for a list of Tier III terrorists. The government claimed that the information should not be disclosed because it would put those terrorists on alert and would thus hurt the government’s ability to collect additional information. The court agreed.
EyeDetect, an emerging product in the lie detection industry, could be an instrumental product in difficult immigration situations such as this one. The innovative product features the most accurate lie detection available in the market. Its strength is found in its ability to indicate deceit through non-invasive means, mainly through pupil dilation.
Proven Track Record
EyeDetect has proven to be more reliable and effective than its competitors – mainly polygraphs and voice stress analyzers. Voice stress analyzers, originally seen as a very progressive form of lie detection, has proven to be an extremely fallible instrument. Polygraphs, currently the lie detection standard in the market fail to provide algorithmic evidence, boast a likelihood of human error, and require an excessive amount of machinery. EyeDetect technology negates each of these worries as its algorithmic functionality and lightweight machinery allows it to be utilized by anyone willing to push a few buttons.
Photo courtesy of Pixabay.