Forming a Team and Strengthening Compliance
By Devin Ballam, Marketing –
Most people have taken part in a team event and have probably perceived that a united team performs better than a team without that bond of unity. When a union is formed, team members work better together because they have trust, established goals, a vision to accomplish, a sense of belonging and ensured compliance.
Most companies intend to establish a similar sense of teamwork, essential for any firm. But getting that accomplished is a lot easier said than done.
Tools for Success
One way to make sure goals are met is to ensure that employees are aware of the strategies for success. Such reinforcement can be done through periodic assessments.
Employees should be asked to see if they are in compliance with the goals and are obeying the rules of the company.
The Benefits
Periodic assessments benefit employees, helping them to know what standards are expected of them. It builds unity in employee teams, because they know they can trust one another.
These assessments help the overall company, because they promote the reputation of the company as one of integrity. This attracts customers and investors, helping the company’s bottom line in the long run.
Most investors and regulators request or require the performance of regular assessments to ensure things are running smoothly and that there are no inappropriate activities.
Assessments Improve Compliance
There are two types of assessments that can be carried out: 1) internal – employees do the review, or 2) external – an outside source does the review.
Unfortunately, an internal assessment is not always the most effective way to catch fraudulent behavior. Typically, it is more effective for someone outside to come in and conduct assessments. In doing so, another point of view can be obtained on how to improve employee compliance. If employee compliance can be maximized, losses based on fraud and lack of productivity will reduce and union within the company will get stronger.
Looking at Current Options
What assessments are available? As internal assessments do not seem to be enough, scientists have been working hard to develop clinical and ethical ways of detecting fraud.
EyeDetect™ is the newest development in fraud technology and has been employed with 85 percent accuracy. It is completely nonintrusive and requires only that the subject sit at a computer, which measures eye behavior as the subject answers questions. If used for fraud assessments, EyeDetect could screen out employees with dishonest behavior, allowing the company to maximize profits and work as a team in unity.