Jayson Ahern, Former Acting Head of US Customs and Border Protection, Joins Converus Advisory Board
With 33 years’ law enforcement experience and extensive knowledge in homeland and border security management, Converus is looking to Ahern to help get EyeDetect into the hands of U.S. federal agencies. EyeDetect’s automated, 30-minute test is ideal for vetting federal government workers as well as unbiasedly screening those entering the country for a variety of issues, including ties to terrorist organizations.

Homeland and border security expert Jayson Ahern is the newest member of the Converus Advisory Board.
LEHI, Utah – June 28, 2017 – Jayson Ahern, an expert in homeland and border security management, is the newest member of the Converus Advisory Board. As a 33-year law enforcement professional and the former acting head of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at the Department of Homeland Security, Ahern was responsible for securing, managing and controlling our nation’s borders.
“Converus has done a remarkable job of creating technology that can help the U.S. government meet today’s difficult challenges in keeping our homeland secure and safe from internal and external threats,” said Ahern. “EyeDetect would be a powerful, effective tool that will streamline the vetting process for U.S. federal agencies. It’s one of the most impressive credibility assessment tools I’ve ever seen.”
Ahern is currently a principal and head of security services at The Chertoff Group, a Washington, D.C.-based global advisory firm focused on security and risk management. In this role, he advises clients on a broad range of issues including homeland and border security management, global commerce and supply chain security, critical infrastructure protection, risk management, and strategic planning and implementation.
“There are significant vetting-related challenges within the federal government that EyeDetect can address immediately. Some agencies are backlogged for months due to existing vetting processes while other agencies are foregoing periodic monitoring due to cost and insufficient vetting resources. For example, agencies like CBP and ICE are looking to hire 5,000 to 10,000 additional agents,” said Converus President and CEO Todd Mickelsen. “EyeDetect is the only credibility assessment technology that can help the federal government quickly, accurately and cost-effectively vet a large group of people.”
Ahern joins existing Converus Advisory Board members and credibility assessment experts Don Krapohl, Charles Honts, Ph.D. and Darryl Bullens, as well as world-renowned deception detection expert and bestselling author Pamela Meyer.
Mickelsen says EyeDetect — the world’s first nonintrusive lie detection technology that accurately detects deception in 30 minutes by analyzing eye and other behaviors — is ideal for screening immigrants and refugees, as well as federal employees and contractors of the federal government because the automated test is unbiased, accurate and nonintrusive.
For more information on EyeDetect, visit www.converus.com.
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About Converus®
Converus (“with truth”) is committed to providing trustworthy credibility assessment solutions. Its flagship product, EyeDetect®, is the world’s first scientifically validated, ocular-motor deception detection solution. It’s an unbiased, accurate, cost-effective and nonintrusive method that detects deception in 30 minutes by analyzing eye and other behaviors. The same scientists credited with computerizing the polygraph in 1991 developed EyeDetect. It’s a new way for organizations to manage risk and ensure workplace integrity, and for law enforcement agencies and governments to detect deception. Ultimately, it helps protect countries, corporations and communities from corruption, fraud and threats. Converus is headquartered in Lehi, Utah. Visit www.converus.com.
Press Contact: Jeff Pizzino, APR / +1 480.606.8292