EyeDetect Can Help Law Enforcement Hire Honest, Reputable Officers
Screening job candidates can be challenging for law enforcement agencies. Converus says EyeDetect can determine during a 30-minute true/false test if an individual is trustworthy and hasn’t previously engaged in any unlawful or unethical behavior that would disqualify him or her from being a police officer.

Detective Sye from the Glendale Police Department in Arizona recently took the EyeDetect “numbers test,” where the candidate picks a number between 1-10 and then purposely lies about it. “I got busted,” he said when EyeDetect correctly guessed his number was 3.
LEHI, Utah – July 27, 2016 – With the increased scrutiny police departments nationwide are now experiencing, it’s more important than ever for law enforcement to ensure officers are trustworthy. Technology start-up Converus says its hiring and screening tool, EyeDetect, can help automate and greatly streamline the credibility assessment phase of the hiring process — especially for agencies that use Law Enforcement Pre-Employment Tests (LEPET).
To meet the needs of law enforcement, Converus offers an EyeDetect LEPET, which it says can be modified to meet the specific needs of any police or sheriff’s department, including a version for new hires and another for lateral transfers. Applicants answer a series of true/false questions on a computer screen while a high-definition infrared camera monitors involuntary eye behavior — including pupil dilation, blink rate and other eye movements — to detect deception.
Converus and its network of EyeDetect Service Providers are demonstrating EyeDetect to police departments nationwide. Detective Sye from the Glendale Police Department in Arizona recently took the EyeDetect “numbers test,” where the candidate picks a number between 1-10 and then purposely lies about it. “I got busted,” he said when EyeDetect correctly identified his number.
“Making proper hires is crucial to preserving a police department’s reputation,” said Converus President and CEO Todd Mickelsen. “EyeDetect can uncover if a job candidate has committed fraud, been dishonest, used drugs, accepted bribes, lied on his job application, established terrorist ties, or engaged in other unlawful or unethical behaviors.”
Field tests show EyeDetect is 85 percent accurate, which Mickelsen says makes it the most accurate screening test solution available. An EyeDetect test takes 30 minutes, and pass/fail results are generated within 10 minutes.
“We think that we will have a better screened candidate who will be a better employee for the department for years to come,” said Lt. LaMar Ewell of the Salt Lake City Police Department, Converus’ first law enforcement customer.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are an estimated 653,740 police and sheriff’s patrol officers currently employed. The U.S. Department of Justice says the approximately 16,000 general purpose state and local law enforcement agencies nationwide hire about 61,000 officers annually.
“With the amount of officers applying for jobs, we know there’s a market for a screening technology that’s fast, nonintrusive, unbiased and incorruptible,” said Mickelsen. “A recent ABC News report found there are 1,000 applicants for every 70 positions. Law enforcement departments need a more efficient screening method like EyeDetect.”
For more information, visit www.converus.com.
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About Converus®
Converus (“with truth”) is committed to providing trustworthy credibility assessment solutions. Its flagship product, EyeDetect® is the first ocular-motor deception detection solution. It’s an accurate, cost-effective, efficient, secure and nonintrusive method that detects deception in 30 minutes by analyzing eye behavior. The same scientists credited with computerizing the polygraph in 1991 developed EyeDetect. It’s a new way for organizations to manage risk and ensure workplace integrity, and for law enforcement agencies and governments to detect deception. Ultimately, it helps protect countries, corporations and communities from corruption, fraud and threats. Converus is headquartered in Lehi, Utah. Visit www.converus.com.
Press Contact: Jeff Pizzino, APR / +1 480.606.8292