EyeDetect: Best Lie Detector | Converus: The eyes don't lie.

EyeDetect Lie Detection Tests

Organizations using EyeDetect have access to all available tests created by Converus. There are various pre-employment tests to screen job applicants and others to conduct ongoing evaluations with current employees (see below).

Test can include up to four relevant issues for which the examinee will be asked about their participation.

At the end of an EyeDetect test, the data derived from the examinee’s responses and from eye behavior will be securely analyzed and stored in the cloud. And, a detailed report is created with a Converus Credibility Score, which indicates the probability that the individual was truthful or deceptive.

Only authorized personnel can access the report to view individual responses and the corresponding Converus Credibility Score.

To create a culture of responsibility and integrity, organizations should institute policy to conduct ongoing employee evaluations. This best practice will not only improve the culture, but will also help prevent fraud and loss.

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Pre-employment Test Topics


  • Stealing money or products from a previous employer for personal use or resale.
  • Accepting bribes or kickbacks in company dealings at a previous employer.
  • Revealing protected company information for personal gain.
  • Other illegal activities at the expense of a previous employer.


  • Corruption — such as offering or accepting bribes including money, gifts, favors or other benefits or kickbacks.
  • Any form of unauthorized and undisclosed financial benefit to you, your family or friends in your role as a company while an employee for another company.

Drug Use

    NOTE: This is not a test of whether family members or friends have been involved with illegal drugs in some way.

  • Consuming illegal drugs at least once in their life, and/or using these drugs regularly, including marijuana, cocaine, heroin, basuco, LSD, ecstasy and amphetamines.

Inappropriate Benefits

  • Obtaining improper benefits from a previous employer — including stealing money from the company, accepting bribes, or divulging confidential company information for personal gain.


  • Stealing money from a previous employer.
  • Taking products from a previous employer for personal use or resale.

Fuel Theft

  • Stealing fuel or collaborating with others to steal fuel from company vehicles at the expense of a previous employer.

Documentation Fraud

  • Illegally altering or modifying public or private documents at a previous employer.
  • Knowingly falsifying public or private documents in the past.

Ties to Criminal Groups

  • Having ties to criminal groups such as organized crime, cartels, gangs, etc.

Identity Theft

  • Stealing and selling the identity of other individuals, including stealing any identifying information that allows access to the financial resources of another person.

Cyber Crimes

  • Electronic vandalism or sabotage — such as email scams and intentionally infecting computers with harmful viruses.


  • Exchanging, possessing or receiving counterfeit money for personal gain in the past.

Violent Crimes

  • History of violent crimes — such as aggravated assault, murder, and use of a deadly weapon against individuals other than in self-defense.

Drug Trafficking

  • Involved directly in manufacturing, transporting, or distributing illegal drugs or conspiring with cartels or organized crime to traffic in illegal drugs.
  • Receiving payment or drugs from drug traffickers for personal use or for resale because of work or favors performed.


  • Having ties to terrorist organizations, including through association with a friend or relative that is involved, or by direct affiliation.

Employment (Periodic) Test Topics


  • Stealing money or products from the company for personal use or resale.
  • Accepting bribes or kickbacks in company dealings.
  • Revealing protected company information for personal gain.
  • Other illegal activities at company expense.


  • Corruption — such as offering or accepting bribes including money, gifts, favors or other benefits or kickbacks.
  • Any form of unauthorized and undisclosed financial benefit to you, your family or friends in your role as a company while a current employee.

Drug Use

    NOTE: This is not a test of whether family members or friends have been involved with illegal drugs in some way.

  • Consuming illegal drugs and/or using these drugs regularly, including marijuana, cocaine, heroin, basuco, LSD, ecstasy and amphetamines, while a current employee.

Inappropriate Benefits

  • Obtaining improper benefits from the company — including stealing money from the company, accepting bribes, or divulging confidential company information for personal gain.


  • Stealing money from the company as a current employee.
  • Taking products from the company for personal use or resale.

Fuel Theft

  • Stealing fuel or collaborating with others to steal fuel from company vehicles while currently employed.

Documentation Fraud

  • Illegally altering or modifying public or private documents.
  • Knowingly falsifying public or private documents.

Unauthorized Transactions

  • Irregularities in transactions and other dishonest behavior.