Would You Hire Your Clone?

If you were a manager, would you want an employee like you working at the organization?
By Joshlin Sheridan, Marketing —
Cultivating an ideal workplace environment is crucial to any company. Having a creative, flexible workspace or a rigid, serious environment depends largely on the employees you hire. Hiring managers must consider whether potential employees have traits that will fit the needs of their team such as work ethic, personality, positivity, etc.
Hiring Your Clone
One common topic circulating around the business world when it comes to hiring is whether or not you should “hire your clone.” Hiring your clone means hiring an employee who is extremely similar to you in terms of perceived intelligence, personality, work ethic, vision and so forth. Sounds great, right?
Advantages and Disadvantages:
According to George Deeb, guest writer for the business magazine, Entrepreneur, you must consider both the pros and cons of such a practice. On one hand, hiring a mini-you can ensure that you will get along with the person, that you have the same vision for the company and that you will have someone with a similar skill set to replace you when you are close to retirement. On the other hand, hiring someone with different experiences and skills from your own can bring variety, new perspective and fresh ideas to the company. Perhaps if you are a realist, you could need a cock-eyed optimist to help expand your vision. If you approach your businesses analytically, you might benefit from a creative thinker on the team. In the end, Deeb suggests picking the potential employee who will help get your company where it needs to be.
Streamlining the Hiring Process
With so many potential employees with a variety of traits from which to choose, a hiring manager could spend hours going through applicants; who have great personalities, but who may be detrimental to your company. Using preliminary screening measures can immediately rule out those who would cause potential issues in the company such as fraud, divulging classified information, theft or illegal substance use.
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Photo by / Andy Kelly