Uncovering the Truth Behind the Missing Baby
By Eliza Sanders, Marketing –
The mother of missing Baby Evelyn, Megan Boswell, is looking more and more suspicious in the police’s eyes. First, she did not report her missing child for two whole months, claiming that she knew where she was. The grandfather had to be the one to do it. The places that she said her child was, she was not. And now, even though policemen have not requested it, she has come out to state the reason why she would be unable to take a polygraph test: supposedly, she is pregnant.
Health concerns are a common reason for people under suspicion to get out of taking a polygraph. It is highly invasive, with a blood pressure cuff on the arm nearly cutting off circulation, sensors on the fingers and a strap across the chest. In a lot of cases, the worry is legitimate as being strapped to a chair that is measuring your breathing can be claustrophobic or even traumatizing for those trying to prove innocence. But in this case, where so much is already against the accused, it is a shame that such a tool could not be used to verify the truth. It almost makes one angry at the thought.
EyeDetect is a new form of lie detection that would circumvent such excuses. It is a computerized test where the subject is placed before a monitor and required to answer true or false questions with a click of the mouse. It measures imperceptible changes in the eyes to verify if someone is being deceptive or not. Besides resting the chin on a chin rest to keep the eyes level for the duration of the test, even then with fifteen-second breaks interspersed periodically for comfort, there is nothing physically demanding about taking an EyeDetect test. In other words, even if you are pregnant, you would still qualify.
I believe that any crime involving children is particularly nasty and unforgivable. When investigators seek out the truth on behalf of these defenseless, helpless human beings, I’d hope that they would have every tool at their disposal, and that no one with any malignant agenda would be able to deter them. Expose the liars. Remove their excuses.
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