Securing Personal Information
By Julio Vasquez, Marketing —
If you have a bank account or a credit report, you may be one of the millions of Americans whose personal information (like your social security number) has been stolen. How would you feel if you were one of those affected by it?
Equifax security breach
According to journalist Mark Albertson, there is nothing more useless today than an individual’s social security number, when it comes to data privacy and security theft prevention. Criminals have access to our social security numbers; one good example of that is the Equifax security breach, where more than 145 million Americans had their social security number as well as some other personal information stolen. It’s scary to think what the individuals who got hold of that information might do. The thieves could open bank accounts in your name, get credit cards, mortgage loans, and even receive your tax returns. How does that sound?
Everybody is in danger
We might think that our young children would be protected, the thing is, they are not. According to Albertson, criminals can purchase a child identity kit for $300 in Bitcoin currency. Think about it, by the time our kids are ready to get their own credit card, their credit could already be destroyed. What are law enforcement organizations and the private sector doing to protect your identity and information?
The Converus solution
The technology is here to help us fight against identity theft, we know that identity can be stolen, and documents can be faked, but a person’s true identity stays the same. Converus® has created IdentityDetect™, a quick test that can be performed in about three minutes with 90% accuracy, through the internet or a mobile app. This identity verification service can be used by Banks and other institutions to verify customers identities and fight against fruad and identity left. It is very simple, people provide their names, address and other personal details, and then they are asked a few questions about their identity. Through scientifically proven technology, an analysis is made during the test that then determines if the individual is really who they claim to be.
It’s time to use the resources we must protect ourselves against the cruel crime of identity theft.
Photo by / Isaac Castillejos