Robbery of Computer Equipment
By Rachel Morgan, Marketing –
Jolynn McHone, age 45, was recently found guilty of stealing over 2 million dollars in computer equipment from the company she worked for.
McHone was employed as the Information Technology (IT) procurement manager for a company in Florida. In her role as procurement manager, she was in charge of negotiating and managing IT equipment purchases and leases throughout the U.S. She was also in charge of managing the company’s IT budget.
Over a 5-year period, McHone was found guilty of committing fraud by buying IT equipment for “legitimate” company businesses and then intercepting the orders and reselling them for cash. The FBI Press Release reports that she sold her deliveries for “as little as 60 percent of the retail value of the equipment.” McHone admitted to her involvement in dozens of fraudulent transactions, costing the company more than 2.4 million dollars.
She will serve 3 years in prison with 2 years of supervised release. Additionally, she has been charged a restitution fee of over 2.4 million dollars.
McHone is one of many employees who choose to steal from their employers. 2.4 million dollars is no small amount, but the crime could have been avoided through regular employee screenings.
It happens too often that employees who are responsible for company funds begin to take liberties and abuse their access to company resources. Through the use of lie detection technology, employees could be screened regularly to prevent continued employee robberies.
In the past, lie detection technology tests took hours to administer and process. In recent years, EyeDetect®, a lie detection company, has developed a technology that administers and processes tests within 30 minutes. This technology uses a highly sensitive camera to track an examinee’s pupil dilations while they respond to questions on a standardized test. If the employee makes false claims while taking the test, EyeDetect technology will know with 86% accuracy.
This new technology is a tool that helps employers around the world keep their funds safe and their employees honest.
Photo by / Thomas Jensen