Robbery at the Vet’s Office
By Rachel Morgan, Marketing –
Sasha Saulnier, age 32, was employed as a client relations specialist for 7 years at a full-service animal hospital. She worked selling various products and gained access to management software through her position as a temporary supervisor. This position gave her the ability to manipulate “account transactions and accounting data.”
Over a four-year period, Saulnier began creating fake refund transactions which she credited to her personal debit cards. The refunds often came from products that customers had bought but never returned. However, she also created refunds for purchases that were never actually made, likewise crediting the refunds to her personal bank accounts.
During her time as an employee at the animal hospital, Saulnier created approximately 482 transactions and stole about $182,800 from the clinic, which she spent partially on vacations to New York, the Bahamas and Las Vegas.
Sasha Saulnier has yet to be sentenced, but will surely be punished for the gravity of her actions. She and many other employees around the world are caught stealing from their employers. Her actions were dishonest, but also likely preventable through regular employee screenings.
EyeDetect®, a revolutionary lie detection technology, is a game changer for any employer concerned with the safety of company funds. It reads a person’s pupil dilations while they take a standardized test. If a person misrepresents themselves while answering any of the questions on the test, EyeDetect will know with 86% accuracy. These attributes make EyeDetect an ideal tool in regular employee screenings, which could save companies hundreds of thousands and sometimes millions of dollars. While many employees have the ability to lie to their employers and cover up their dishonest actions, their eyes do not. Studies have shown that most employees will stay honest if held accountable for their actions, and EyeDetect provides the perfect means to do exactly that.
Photo by / Markus Winkler