Respectful Deception Detection for Family?
By Jeff Pizzino, APR, Corporate Communications –
Dealing with corrupt individuals can create difficult interpersonal situations. Most of us want to put distance between the accused, and ourselves, because distance can make it feel more acceptable to harshly treat the accused for their behavior.
But in the case of deception detection of a family member, that dynamic changes. When a family member gets into trouble, the incentive is to stop them before they get hurt.
Such is the case with families in Australia. In recent months, drug abuse is becoming more and more of an issue. Use of “Ice” is on the rise, and spouses and parents are beginning to panic, seeking help to verify their loved ones are not engaging in drug use.
The Australian Polygraph Services organization receives multiple requests each month for families seeking to verify a loved one’s drug use, whether it’s a 14-year-old child or a parent or a spouse. In practice, those who engage in drug use are more likely to avoid the test, while the innocent typically get tested to prove him or herself drug free.
Families Desire Deception Detection Technology
Helping your loved ones before they get hurt is difficult when you believe they’re engaging in illegal activity. Even more difficult to avoid is the potential damage of emotional injury. However, in addition to polygraph tests, there are other ways of helping.
EyeDetect™ is similar to polygraph technology. The same scientists who invented the computerized polygraph developed this new deception detection technology. EyeDetect will carefully measure a subject’s eye behavior and patterns, looking for unusual activity — such as increased blinking, looking away, or pupil dilation — as they answer a series of true or false statements. Then the program mathematically analyzes the data.
EyeDetect is nonintrusive and can be administered in a calm environment. Loved ones who undergo a lie detection test may feel resentful, angry, hurt, or emotional — especially if they’re guilty. However, with this exam, they simply sit at a computer, place their chin upon a chin rest, allow the device to calibrate their eyes, and then answer questions for 30 to 40 minutes.
The simplicity of EyeDetect allows family members to feel confident that their loved ones are receiving a fair and unbiased examination that is highly reliable. EyeDetect provides a respectful service while providing family members with the deception detection technology they need.