New Technology Updates Improve Accuracy and Ensure Comprehension Skills
By Ben Stout, Chief Technology Officer—
Converus has been hard at work over the past month releasing software and dashboard enhancements for EyeDetectTM. The following is quick summary of the improvements:
EyeDetect Software
Reading and Comprehension Test: A reading test was added to the EyeDetect software to help evaluate the reading and comprehension level of an examinee. The reading test is to be used in cases where the test proctor believes the examinee does not have sufficient reading or comprehension skills to successfully complete an EyeDetect test.
Question Timeout: This feature was added to encourage examinees to answer questions in a timely manner. Every question now has an allowed response time. Once the timeout for a question is reached, a notice appears indicating that the question has timed out — with an audible beep — and the test then automatically advances to the next question.
Practice Session: There is now a two-part practice session with relevant issues that refer to fictitious crimes. This practice session allows the examinee to be more successful on the actual test by having practiced in advance.
New Instructions: Instructions for the practice test and all other tests have been updated to describe the new time-out rules.
Updated Demo Tests: Demo tests have been updated to include two practice sessions and two test sessions. This was done to provide a slightly longer demonstration test experience.
Converus Dashboard
Reports: Reports were updated to show the percentage of relevant questions answered and answered incorrectly for each question type, as well as the percentage of timed-out questions for all question types. The “Conclusion Section” has been updated with new language to better describe the results for specific situations. The report no longer shows a list of all test questions and responses; now each relevant question is shown and an icon indicates how the examinee answered the question in each session.
We continue to enhance and update EyeDetect software and the dashboard to accommodate customers’ requests.