Man Charged with Perjury During His Murder Trial

Adding perjury to his long list of committed crimes.
By Cami Toronto, Communications —
Calvin McKinney, 31, has been charged with lying under oath during his murder trial for the death of Keynen Guider. Calvin was originally found guilty of attempted murder of Guider two days before she was shot and killed in December 2017. McKinney’s original trial ended in a hung jury, which resulted in a mistrial. He’s scheduled to be re-tried, but it will likely be delayed several months.
Lying Under Oath
This charge of allegedly lying under oath will be taken into consideration during the retrial, something that does not weigh in favor of McKinney’s testimony. Because of this, it’s more likely that he’ll be found guilty the second time around. One thing’s for sure: McKinney didn’t do himself a favor by lying under oath — especially when the stakes were so high.
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