‘Jersey Shore’ Reality Star Facing 15 Years In Jail For Tax Fraud
By Ashley Mazerolle, Marketing —
Mike ‘The Situation’ Sorrentino, the party-guy from MTV’s reality show, Jersey Shore, is set to plead guilty to tax fraud charges. He is facing up to 15 years for not paying federal income tax owed on $9 million dollars. Alongside him, his brother Marc is also accused of tax fraud. They’re both set to plead guilty to the charges against them.
(See US Magazine).
Honestly, we’ve seen dozens of celebrities in the news lately committing all types of fraud. It is estimated that 17% of taxpayers fail to comply with US tax codes in one way or another. The I.R.S. has reported that tax evasion costs the U.S. government $458 billion dollars annually. That is an astronomical amount of money!
The Need for Fraud Detection
Fraud is a huge issue all over the globe and it needs to be detected. These charges against the Sorrentino brothers date back to 2010. So just how long has he been committing fraud?
Could tax evaders be caught sooner and if so how exactly can fraud be detected?
Typically, people think of a clunky polygraph machine when they think of lie detection. These tests require specialized equipment—sensors to measure heart rate, blood pressure, and even perspiration. If a test is done by a skilled Polygraphist, the test could take up to 3 hours to complete. Not necessarily realistic for every citizen filing their taxes.
Finding the Truth
EyeDetect is a new lie detection technology solution that accurately measures changes in eye behavior. The eye sensor tracks pupil dilation, fixations, eye movements, and blinks. The eyes don’t lie—especially with results of 86 percent accuracy.
EyeDetect tests last 30 minutes and the results are delivered instantaneously in 5 minutes. Perhaps this may not be scalable for every single citizen, but EyeDetect can be used to quickly assess the credibility of higher risk candidates. Learn how you can use EyeDetect in your organization.
Photo courtesy of Elena de Soto