Are Background Checks a Faulty Screening Process?
By David Hales, Marketing —
In the work place, is it surprising that managers face—among many problems—the issue of race discrimination? Not only can race discrimination arise during the regular day to day operations, but it usually begins in interviews with job applicants. When screening future employees, companies seek to determine what type of person the applicant is and what they can offer the company. Employers ask questions in an effort to determine if the applicant is qualified, but interviewers typically rely on their “gut feeling” when hiring.
A Sensitive Process
It’s easy for screening processes to be too sensitive when it comes to background checks. Recently, BMW experienced this issue; the company conducted “former criminal” background checks on employees due to a switch in contractors at a facility. The screening, like many others, was faulty because it immediately ruled out employees who had ever been convicted of misdemeanors and felonies regardless of when the convictions took place. When the results rolled in, 100 employees were found disqualified for employment. Of these 100 employees, 80 were African Americans. BMW was then required to reach a settlement because of allegations of discrimination towards African American employees. It cost the company $1.6 million USD.
Screening Employees Made Easier
What is interesting to note from this settlement is that there is a need and desire to have a fair and equal screening process. Many of the current screening processes are much like BMW’s where any criminal history can result in the refusal and termination of employment. Employers should seek to give equal employment opportunities and to maintain a workplace free of discrimination. However, there is a need for efficient screening processes that assist employers in determining which candidates would fit well in their company.
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