Improving the Hiring Process

If you were a manager, would you want an employee like you working at the organization?
By Kaiden Waldram, Marketing —
Looking for a job is a difficult and, in many cases, is a stressful process. Knowing which jobs to apply for, keeping your resume updated, and interviewing well all add to the stress of the job search. There are jobs available, but at times it seems impossible to find the perfect fit.
Advantages and Disadvantages:
A recent article entitled, “Why Won’t Trucking Companies Hire Me?” brings up another interesting point about applying for jobs. It says that it’s not uncommon when truck drivers are applying for jobs that their DAC report is incorrect. A DAC report provides a driver’s history including years of service, equipment operated, loads hauled, status and experience, reason for leaving, eligibility for rehire, number and types of accidents, alcohol or drug histories, as well as pre-employment test results and performance records from truck driving school. This can immediately hurt a driver’s chance of getting a job, even if it isn’t their fault. In an environment that is already difficult to find work, it seems unfair for the process to be made even more difficult by something that may be an inaccurate representation of the applicant. Truck drivers are not the only job applicants that could face this type of problem. There are many other situations where incorrect documentation could affect an applicant’s chances of being hired, such as incorrect legal documentation.
Playing Nice
Applicants deserve a fair chance at receiving the job. There is a product on the market that could even the playing field a bit for all applicants. It is called IntegrityDetect®. IntegrityDetect® is a character test that companies could use during the hiring process. When an applicant has something on record that could be concerning for an employer, they could test the applicant with IntegrityDetect® test. If the test results show that the applicant is in good standing, then it could help employers make a better hiring decisions. By doing this, employers would have a larger pool of people from which to choose, and applicants would have a fair chance of finding a job.
Photo by / Rhys Moult