Hillary Clinton’s Failed Lie-Detector Test

Given that this level of corruption currently exists in the US government is a sign that additional measures, like some form of lie detection software, should be implemented to ensure that those within the government are staying honest.
By Roma Blackham, Marketing —
Hilary Clinton evidently failed her lie detector test. This is according to an insider who has spilled some details of the investigation concerning Clinton’s private email.
Since the investigation, Hillary and Bill Clinton—along with US Attorney General Loretta Lynch and FBI Director James Comey—have all been subjected to a lie detector test that analyzes stress within speech patterns. Michael Sylvestre, a lie detection expert, analyzed their comments using a program called DecepTech Voice Stress Analysis Machine and came to the conclusion that all four of them lied about the emails.
According to Sylvestre, when asked about emailing classified material, Hillary Clinton came “close to maxing out on stress,” leading him to believe that Clinton was lying when she denied emailing classified material. In addition to evidence that Hillary was lying, Sylvestre also came to the conclusion that her husband, the US Attorney General, and the FBI director were also lying about the investigation.
When taken together, these lies suggest that the investigation was really a cover-up. Lynch lied about not discussing the case during her secret meeting with Bill Clinton. Comey lied when he said there was “no outside influence of any kind” on the FBI’s investigation, suggesting that he was influenced in his decision not to file charges against Hillary Clinton. Taken altogether, these lies appear to add up to a larger scheme to cover up Hillary’s misdeeds.
This kind of corruption does not bode well for the future of the US, regardless of the outcome of this next presidential election. Given that this level of corruption currently exists in the US government is a sign that additional measures must be implemented to ensure that those within the government are staying honest. One such measure is EyeDetect®. The EyeDetect® test analyzes a person’s eyes to detect deception. This test is nonintrusive and inexpensive, and therefore may be used on a wide scale. EyeDetect® tests could potentially be used routinely on government officials to detect and prevent corruption. It would be helpful and alleviate some American people stress if they were able to use the eye detection software (lie detection software called EyeDetect®).
Photo by Marc Nozell / CC BY-SA 2.0