FedEx Employee Tries to Steal $40,000 worth of Jewelry
By Joshlin Sheridan, Marketing —
Sticky Hands
As much as we’d like to fully trust the employees that handle our money and property, this isn’t always a reality! For example, recently FedEx employee Fredrick Stewart was taken into custody after trying to steal forty 14k rose gold diamond earrings. Allegedly, Stewart put these earrings into a plastic bag and then transferred them to his own bag.
X-Ray Machines
Fortunately for the package sender, security noticed the suspicious earrings in Stewart’s bag while scanning it on their x-ray machine. Good catch! But unfortunately for most business owners, there are no x-ray machines to check if employees are stealing merchandise. There also certainly not x-ray machines to easily tell if employees are stealing other company assets such as confidential information, gas, and time!
Proactively Avoiding Employee Theft
There are measures that a company can take to avoid employee theft from happening in the first place. Employers can require employee integrity testing for all potential hires. IntegrityDetect™ is the best integrity assessment available, with algorithms that analyze reaction time and implicit associations of past behaviors, IntegrityDetect can help employers screen for honest and trustworthy employees. The test takes only 6 minutes and has over an 80% accuracy rate.
Could this be a solution in reducing employee theft in your company?