Catching Liars
By Kaiden Waldram, Marketing —
People can be deceptive and hard to read. We have all told lies, whether they were big or small and at some point, we have all said something that was untruthful. Some people lie so much that it seems natural; however, there are cues that give away if someone is lying or not.
In order to determine if someone is lying, there are certain physical and psychological cues to look for. In a recent article titled “8 Ways to Tell If Someone Is Lying to You,” some of the distinguishable cues are mentioned. The article says to watch for fidgeting, creating physical distance, and avoiding eye contact. Liars may also give themselves away with their speech. For example, the person’s story might not make any sense. Other times, you can look for signals that someone is uneasy or nervous. This is because telling a lie requires more mental energy than telling the truth.
These things may seem easy to monitor, and they often times are, especially if the person attempting to lie is a poor liar! But what about the people that have developed the skill of lying? There are people who have seemed to overcome these anxious reactions that are associated with lying. Is there a way to catch these people too?
Traditionally, polygraph tests have been used to determine if someone is lying, but this can be expensive and time-consuming. Recently an alternative has entered the picture. This alternative is called EyeDetect®. EyeDetect is more cost efficient, less time consuming, with the same lie detector test accuracy as the traditional polygraph. EyeDetect is an eye detection software that is an extremely efficient way to detect the liars in the world.
Photo by / Samuel Zeller