Ticketmaster’s Security Breach
By Joshlin Sheridan, Marketing —
If you’ve ever been to a concert, professional sports event, or theatrical performance, it’s quite likely that you purchased your ticket through Ticketmaster. This online ticket vendor is as widely used as it is reputable, and is responsible for 80 percent of ticket sales worldwide. However, Ticketmaster’s recent security breach has proved that no online company, big or small, is invulnerable to hackers and fraudsters.
Ticketmaster Hacked
In June of 2018, Ticketmaster warned its users of a security breach that may have affected up to 40,000 users. The attack was by software on a customer support program called Inbenta. This hack potentially leaked customer information including names, payment details, addresses, and phone numbers.
Ticketmaster sent emails to the users whose personal information was potentially compromised, advising them to change their passwords and offering assistance in doing so. Additionally, Ticketmaster offered these customers a free 12-month identity verification service.
Need for Online Security
Unfortunately, Ticketmaster’s security breach is just one example of many that have recently plagued online platforms. Obviously, there is an increased need for advanced security online. This is especially true for financial institutions, which possess highly sensitive personal and monetary information.
The Future of the Identity Verification Industry
IdentityDetect™ is a new solution to combat the growing risk of identity theft for online financial institutions and more. This identidy verification service technology fits in with a financial firm’s existing security system but adds a unique, additional layer of security to verify a customers identity in a minute or less. IdentityDetect™ analyzes kinetic behavior, meaning a user’s reaction though response time, mouse clicks, and mouse movements.
Incorporating this technology into online platforms can ensure that identity is protected and personal information is kept confidential.
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